David Christopher was born on August 3rd, 2005, at only 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He weighed in at 1 lb, 4oz, and was 12.5 inches long.

Here's his story.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Big news on the David front!!!

Notice anything different about David?
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If you're not sure, check out this picture
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That's right! David's been without oxygen during daylight hours since 1030am on October 20, 2007! 23_30_125%5B1%5D.gif

And here's David with his brand new toy that Michele was kind enough to give us! He's a little scared of it, but I'm trying to let him get used to it - I really think it will help him walk!

Thank you so much, Michele!!
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Last Monday Javier took David to the doctor, and they put in a different size mickey button. Hopefully this one won't leak as much.

Also - they were ELATED when David showed up without oxygen! 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif

She said to discontinue the oxygen during the day as long as he's satting above 93 but keep him on it at night through the winter, that we'd wean him next spring.

Sounds good to me!

We got the ECI newsletter:

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Javier's friend brought his little boy over a couple of weeks ago to play with David. His name is Matthew and he was also a preemie, in the same NICU as David.

They played okay for a little while.
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Then David started to get greedy - he wanted ALL the toys. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif David's not too keen on the whole sharing thing.
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But mean old mommy told him no.
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And here's what was left after David went to bed. 36_19_2%5B1%5D.gifLuckily, Kevin and Matthew were nice enough to help me clean up!
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David's first official word - I consider this his first real word because even though he babbles alot and imitates us when we say various things, this is the ONLY word that he uses EVERYTIME - at the RIGHT time.

Anyways - Anytime I say "really?" - whether I'm talking to him, or to someone else, he responds with:



Bonus pictures of my adorable nephew!
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Terrible twos? Already?

Here's the deal. David CONSTANTLY pulls off my glasses. I'm very consistent with him - I warn him first. I tell him that if it happens again, he has to sit in time out. Then I try to distract him with toys, etc.

Not thirty seconds later, he'll grab my glasses again! So, I'll say "no!" in a firm voice and make him sit down for at least a minute.

He gets the saddest look on his face and makes my heart ache and makes me start thinking all kinds of awful things like "what if he thinks I don't love him anymore?" or "what if I'm scarring him for life?" ... but I make him sit there for the full minute anyways.

Then I get him up, and look him straight in the eye and tell him not to pull my glasses off again. Then, I give him a hug.

As soon as I let go - his tiny little toddler hand is reaching for my glasses AGAIN!!

What do I do? Seriously! I tried giving him my undivided attention, thinking that maybe he was just trying to get my attention - I turned off the TV and everything. Then, when that didn't work I got him a bunch of toys, thinking he was just bored. But THAT didn't work!

I'm starting to think that my only option is to get laser eye surgery. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif


So I'm sitting down on the floor, playing with David a week or so ago when suddenly it sounds like someone is walking through the house - I hear something coming from the back and am really starting to wonder if Javier had come home through the back door.

Then it gets REALLY loud - and I realize it's hail! Suddenly, my electricity goes out - and it's so loud and scary that I grab David and my cell phone and head toward the bathroom, grabbing a tank of oxygen on my way.

Once I got him hooked up in the bathroom and settled in with a toy, I ran to grab my camera 10_12_9%5B1%5D.gif

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Crazy! It was SO loud!!

Anyways, I was without power for almost an hour!


So I'm leaving work Thursday at five pm when it suddenly occurs to me that it was the 18th!


I had completely forgotten about the ECI Halloween carnival! I really wanted to take David to this thing, but I only had an hour and a half to find a costume!

So I run home and grab David, and we head over to my grandma's house so we can search through her shed for one of Weston's old costumes. Luckily, we were able to find his old ninja costume and clean it up and iron it so that looked okay.

And off we went. My little sister JoAnn went with us.

So let me just say, that it was simply marvelous. The carnival was fun - but the best part about the whole ordeal was that it felt like David was a regular kid!

I realize that sounds funny to most people - but I know that you guys will know what I'm talking about. This was the first trip out of the house that we had gotten to take without oxygen! And it was SO easy! AND - David was holding my hand and walking throughout most of it! He's so amazing.

Anyways, I didn't take any pictures, but they had a picture place there where they took the picture (Polaroid) and let you design the frame. So here's that.

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I know I said David was going to be popeye - and I really wanted him to be that, but I couldn't find a stupid sailors hat ANYWHERE. So, we opted for something different.

OK first of all, you should know that I bought the wig and hat that go with this costume but David is TERRIFIED of it. I mean, scared to death. Even when I wear it!

So, I have eleven days to figure out how to make him wear the hat.

Oh, and the costume comes with boots, but we didn't put those on - I was just making sure it fit in case I needed to exchange it.

So, without further ado, I now present to you Jack Sparrow. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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Anonymous said...

Wow, congrats on no more tubes during the day!

About the Jack Sparrow costume, those scraggly wigs can be very creepy (not to mention scratchy and uncomfortable to wear) Maybe you could get him to accept just the hat. I bet he'd be adorable with the hat and a few smudges of black around the eyes. Play a game where you wear the hat, Dad wears the hat, maybe a big stuffed animal can try it on too. Wear it tilted back a little, so he sees more of your face, and less of the hat. Do this in front of a mirror, and let David see himself with the hat and without it. Maybe try on a few other hats too, just to let him see different hats can go on and off, but the people wearing them are still the same people.


Anonymous said...

OMG! That is so flippin' awesome - no more oxygen during the day! I saw the pic and started tearing up! I am so darn proud of that little man! He is so adorable in the Jack Sparrow costume...who cares if he wears the wig or the hat.

Good job Sam! You are a spectacular mommy!

Anonymous said...

hey sam! man i haven't been here for a while. david looks SOOO different. he looks like a BIG BOY! it looks like he slimmed up a little bit...especially in the face. CUTE nonetheless! AND BIG CONGRATS to david!...no more oxygen tank during the day! YAY! i hope everything is going good for you. i hope the new job's treating you good. donovan just turned the BIG 3 but i haven't had a party for him yet but hopefully i will in the next few weeks or so. well i'll talk to you later! i need to visit your blog more often...i almost forgot the url. lol. well i'll ttyl. take care sam!

Anonymous said...

oh and another thing...his haircut's starting to look like cole's haircut. ahaha!

Anonymous said...

man ur kid always has the cutest costumes!


What's the rest of the story?