David Christopher was born on August 3rd, 2005, at only 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He weighed in at 1 lb, 4oz, and was 12.5 inches long.

Here's his story.

Friday, February 8, 2008

We've all recovered from what seemed like an endless series of illnesses. Wow, what a rough start to a brand new year. Once we got home from the hospital, David ran pretty high fevers for several days, and was having bloody noses nearly every morning. It was nearly a week before he did anything besides lay around. I was starting to worry that we were going to be set back considerably on milestones he had accomplished (namely, walking) but sure enough, as soon as he began to feel better, he was up and going again!

Amy and I went to babies r us a week or two ago, and took David and Jaxon along for the trip. It was fun, for the most part... except for when David decided he was finished with the whole situation and went into full blown temper tantrum mode (You'd think he was two or something) and Amy had to check us out while I took David to the car. 10_12_9%5B1%5D.gif

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So I found a post that I made last year about new years resolutions. I don't typically like them because I never am able to accomplish them. But check this out:

I hope we spend more time OUT of the hospital than IN. (I'm actually HOPING that we aren't admitted at ALL but I don't know how likely that is. )

We weren't admitted to the hospital even ONCE last year!

I hope David learns to walk.

Yes.gif He did!

I hope I get a new job - one that pays as good but has benefits. (Oh, and if I don't have to actually work there either, that would be nice!)

Got a new job that pays good and has benefits... unfortunately I DO have to work while I'm there. Haha...

I hope to move into a bigger place.

Yes.gif Did that!

I hope to spend more quality time with David - and do whatever I can to make sure that he is not only healthy - but happy too.

This is one of those things that's hard to measure... but I'd say I did a pretty good job here, too.

So David was cracking me up last week. He needed a haircut SO bad. I'm not sure if it was the clothes or the hair, or a combination of both, but he looked homeless. 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif

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I'm not sure what he was so worried about here, but his expression makes me giggle.
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Maybe Elmo's telling him how to score a hot meal. 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif
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He got himself stuck back there - then he got pissed off.... he wasn't nearly as amused as I was...
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Then he fell asleep like this.... awwwwwww
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After his much needed haircut (still looking rough though LOL )
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After his bath...
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David's speech therapist said that if he can learn one new word a day she'd be impressed.

Well holy crap, I would too!

That seems like an awful lot, or am I underestimating him?

I finally finished making my mosaic, with 2592 pictures.
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I think it turned out great!

You can make yours at http://www.zumyn.com

Here's a couple of videos that make me smile - I'm so proud of him!
(btw ignore his dirty shirt & face..... well, you know haha...)

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I swear, it'll never get old watching him walk around. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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This was actually taken back when he was sick, I forgot about it. He was asleep. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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Here's some from tonight before bed.
Getting into trouble
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He just looks so grown up here!
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I guess he thought it was breathing treatment time (it wasn't 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif )
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Walking around
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And, wearing his big boy underwear to bed (there's a diaper under there 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif)
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David pooped AND peed on the potty today, then later on Joni put him back on the potty and he peed again!!

23_30_125%5B1%5D.gif 23_30_125%5B1%5D.gif 23_30_125%5B1%5D.gif 23_30_125%5B1%5D.gif

I'm so proud of him!!!


Anonymous said...

That mosaic is really cool! I Love reading the updates and seeing all the pictures. Thank you for sharing! =]


Andi said...

David is a miracle.

Anonymous said...

love your updates. I can't get over how grownup he's looking. Love him walking!

What's the rest of the story?