David Christopher was born on August 3rd, 2005, at only 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He weighed in at 1 lb, 4oz, and was 12.5 inches long.

Here's his story.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day!!!

I had a really nice Mother's Day - except I was sick! Of all the days to be sick on! But, we were all sick, some sort of stomach crap. Even though we were all sick, Javier was super nice to me - it was just a really nice day.

I have some pictures of David signing his mother's day cards. But first, a flashback from signing Mother's Day cards from last year - I can't believe how much he's grown!!
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Anyways, here's the ones from this year:
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Then, when were done with that, we drew a picture for Daddy.
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I think more got on his shirt than on the paper (marker comes out... right?)
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And on his hands. 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif
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And here's the mother's day gift I got from Javier's parents - they're beautiful!!
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And the roses I picked from the backyard 36_1_1%5B1%5D.gif I've gotten even more now - my rosebush is really starting to bloom!!!
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The other day, David really didn't want to go to bed. So, I heard a thump and he started to cry. I walked in there and saw that he had thrown his puppy dog out of the crib. So, I leaned down and picked it up and gave it to him, gave him a kiss, and told him to lay down.

I wasn't even out the door when I watched him stand up, throw the puppy back out of the crib, and give the same pitiful cry.

Can't fool me twice, kid. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif

Tuesday, David graduated from ECI!! I was so proud of him, I could have cried. ECI is the company who sends out therapists to our home - and they've helped David in more ways than I can count. They've provided me with skills to help David hit his developmental milestones and openly given me emotional support. The therapists have seen David's strengths from the beginning and given me hope when my own began to stagger. Unfortunately, ECI only works with kids until they turn three. They designate two nights a year to the "graduations," and tonight was David's. Here are the pictures:
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David and Julie (our former coordinator)
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I really wanted to get a picture of David with all of the therapists, but one of them didn't make it to the graduation. But, here's David with (from the left) Dana (Speech therapist), Julie (Coordinator), Annette (Occupational therapist) and at the bottom right, Angie (Physcial therapist Assistant) Missing from the picture is Linda, his physical therapist.

And David looks like he wants to bolt out the door. 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif
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Here's Annette, giving him a pep talk. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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This is a woman who David had just met. But David can't see any reason in the whole world why someone wouldn't want to pick him up and hold him and love him. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif Her name is Mickey, and she was following Annette around for school.
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Here's JoAnn with David, and his hat (that he refused to wear)
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Anyways, we had a good time, and I was SO SO proud of him!!!

Just a couple of random pictures - his new thing is to play motor boat with his lips.
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Speaking of new things, another one of his is to lick his hands, and then rub them together like he's putting on lotion.

Don't ask me why.

JoAnn and I took David to the park Friday evening. I was so proud of David because he figured out how to push himself off the top of the slide! I know there's a ton of pictures, but I really did narrow it down, I promise!!

First we started off with the little slide.
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Then we went to the middle slide!
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I love how his eyes are shut on the way down. 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif
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Then, we went to the really really big slide!!!
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David was nervous
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But, he did good!
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Finally, we swung for a little while.
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I think JoAnn had as much fun as David did. 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif
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Finally, off topic for a minute - but I saw the most amazing thing on television the other day. If you haven't heard about Patrick Henry Hughes then click on that link and watch a short video about him. It's an AMAZING story!!

And some bonus news about my nephew Jaxon!! He's walking!! Check out the video Amy sent!
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Seems like he was just born yesterday!

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