Javier's parents came to town. Plus their two friends. They were here from June 22nd-27th. And it was interesting.
It's always nice when they come to town because I never have to worry about anything, so it's like a mini-vacation. His mom is an amazing cook - plus she does everything for David. I got a four hour nap in one day!
Since they've left we've had to "whip" David back into shape - he totally got spoiled rotten. I can't blame them, though - they only get to see him once a year, and I know they love him every bit as much as I do. In fact, Javier's mom went in and laid down on the floor next to David's bed one night because I was a mean mommy and put him in bed (30 minutes later than his normal bedtime) and let him cry.

An example of the wonderful food she cooked while here: The best black beans in the WHOLE world, white rice, pork cooked some way I don't know how to do, and salad.
And Bailey's to drink

Here's some pictures I acquired:

getting ready for a haircut

what he looks like after:

What a temper tantrum looks like. He very carefully lays himself down on the floor.
Once he knows he's not going to hit his head he'll proceed with the tantrum.

At least he's cautious.

And, in case anyone was wondering - here's what my house looked like at night - the office:

And, the laundry room:

They both had queen size blow up mattresses.... so during the day it looked normal. Haha!
Well, most of the time was fabulous - but there was one day when my MIL cooked this:

I apparently have some pretty serious hangups about fish. Because, as much as I hate to admit it, it was *really* good. But I have issues with seeing eyeballs on my food.
David didn't like it - here's a picture of David trying fish for the first time:

Javier's parents are really nice people. His mom bought Maria (our nurse)'s kids some toys. awww.
And then one night, Javier's dad told me to *always* remember that I am his ONLY "little daughter"
Siempre, siempre, siempre.

David with his grandma

David with grandpa:

This is Nancy and Juan - Family friends that visited with the inlaws. They are extremely nice people - AND - Juan speaks very good english

David with Nancy:

David with Juan:

Fun with hats:

David, getting spoiled before bedtime:

Fun with pellet guns.

Just David:

Anyways, it was a really nice week, having them here. I admit that even *I* got a *little* spoiled.
But... back to reality.
Since David got used to getting to go "byebye" all the time, his new thing is getting my keys, coming up and giving them to me, then grabbing my hand and saying "bye bye? bye bye?"
It's SO cute - and SO hard to resist.
In fact, recently, I came in from work and say "hi" to David... the first thing out of his mouth is "byebye?"

David's diagnostician for the PPCD program came earlier this week. It was basically an evaluation very similar to what ECI does - they come out with packets of charts and evaluate him on what he can or can't do - like stacking cups, or choosing the correct item out of three - or using words to say what he wants.
And of course, he didn't do ANYTHING that I was sitting there saying he could do.

But - he obviously qualifies for the PPCD program. Which means, he'll begin school in August.

David's new favorite song is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
And he sings it "Inko Inko Unko Ki" It's SO cute.
My nephew Jaxon turned ONE this week!!!! Here's some pictures from his birthday party!
First thing we see when we come in is Jaxon walking around, carrying this giant bouquet of balloons

Opening presents!! (I think this was his favorite toy)

Cake time!

Next thing we knew, his foot was in the cake.

After cake we went outside. Here's David and Meme


Meme, David, and Lizzie

David playing center.

Kylie playing point guard.

Happy 1st Birthday, Jaxon!
David's figured out that you can put things in the toilet. Fun. Good thing it was clean.

This morning was rough. I came *really* close to calling the pediatrician. By eleven am, I had changed eight diarrhea diapers, given three baths and two breathing treatments.
David was coughing, puking, and is having massive watery diarrhea diapers.
Javier came home from work and let me take a shower (thank GOD - I was covered in everything) and finally David fell asleep.
He slept till three, and then woke up like everything was fine. Here's some pictures from tonight.
Can we go outside? Please? Please?

He was pretty excited to be outside.

Playing in the garage

Going for a ride with Daddy.

Then things started to go wrong.

Here's a picture of him doing something we've been fighting him on lately. For some reason, when he gets mad, he sticks his finger down his throat and gags himself.

And, when we tell him no.

Finally, saying goodnight.

So cute! I'm so glad you got to be spoiled too!
Happy Birthday David!!!! (a day late)
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