David Christopher was born on August 3rd, 2005, at only 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He weighed in at 1 lb, 4oz, and was 12.5 inches long.

Here's his story.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!! We had a good time. I took half a day off of work, and JoAnn and I dyed our hair. It was supposed to be "Chocolate Velvet" but it's pretty much black. Perfect for the occasion, right? Ha! Oh well, we haven't kept the same color for more than a few weeks lately anyways. After dying our hair, we spent the rest of the afternoon decorating the house. We took David over to Meme's to show him off then came back where David helped us hand out Halloween candy to the trick or treaters. I love living in this neighborhood - we have so many trick or treaters!!
Trick or Treating at Meme's house
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My spider
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Waiting for the next trick or treater
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The only bad part about the day was when David wasn't paying attention and tumbled down the concrete stairs outside. He smacked his head on the cement - HARD!! Poor kid! And he wouldn't let me put ice on it, but I managed to hold a cool cloth on it for a while. It bruised immediately. I don't know if you can tell from these pictures, but he has a major goose egg on his head, and lots of scratches.

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Here's a couple of pictures from the next day:
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And... he's showing you his spider ring - he loves those things 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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Oh - and naturally, he has school pictures next week Crap.gif

I didn't get pictures, but David and I carved a pumpkin recently. Well, I cut it, but he helped me scoop out the seeds. I got one of those great big kitchen spoons and he looked so cute, standing in front of the pumpkin, digging in it with his spoon. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gifAnd, as it turns out - David LOVES pumpkin seeds! Which means, I have to share. LOL

I had to get at least one picture of David with this wig on from last year's Jack Sparrow costume before I sold it on Craig's list. I'm sure you remember that he REFUSED to wear it last year. He still didn't like it, but I could at least get him to wear it for a few minutes at a time 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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And, here's just a few more of him in his costume from this year (isn't he the cutest dragon you've ever seen?) - these were taken a few days before Halloween.
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The tail wags when he walks - it is the CUTEST thing!
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I tell you, though - I was starting to panic a little. Because a couple of weeks ago we went to SEVEN stores looking for a cotume for David. SEVEN!! And there was nothing. The only store that even had *anything* that David could wear, was charging like thirty bucks for a plastic piece of crap. Finally, I was able to find this costume on Craig's List for only ten bucks! Sweet!

But, while I was shopping for a costume, I went to a consignment shop and bought David three pairs of jeans (that might as well be brand new) and a super cute denim jacket (Ecko brand! ) ... all for twenty dollars! Yes.gifI'll be going back there!
October 16th was open house at David's school. We got free pizza and I (finally) got to see what he does all day long at school! Here's the pictures - eating pizza on the sidewalk outside the school:
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Their schedule (they switch activities every FIFTEEN minutes! Can you imagine?!?)
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David sitting at his spot (see his picture taped to the table?) working on a fine motor skill that they teach him
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Oh, speaking of school - David got in his first fight! 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif He apparently tried to steal one of the other kid's toys, and the other kid attacked him 36_19_2%5B1%5D.gif

He had a big scratch behind his ear that bled a little bit.

Poor kid 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
What was weird about it, though, was that the other kid (another three year old) got "suspended" for 1 day. Which I thought was a little bit strange, because, well, he's THREE. I don't know about the other kid, but I know that if David were to do something like that (which, he might - he's a kid!) then he wouldn't remember the next day what he had done. It just doesn't seem to me like you can do long term punishment with such young children - and it seems like that's more of a punishment for the mother than the child. Ah well... not my decision I guess.

Here's some other random pictures I got off the camera - we put his hat and gloves on him to see what he'd do 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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Fun with office chairs
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Wearing his backpack 36_1_1%5B1%5D.gif
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David's new thing is to say "Heya go!" when brings you something he's not supposed to have. As in "here, mom, I never had this" Haha....

And, on a more serious note, our first son, Ricky, would have been six years old on October 26th. Since I talk about this every year, I'm sure you all know that before David, I gave birth to another little boy who I named Enrique. He was born at 27 weeks 2 days and weighed 1lb, 8oz.

He lived for three short days before his lungs just couldn't hang on any longer.

I know now that part of the reason he was taken from me was so that I could appreciate every aspect of raising David. I like to believe that he's David's guardian angel and helps me watch over him. I hope I've made him proud by the way I've raised David so far.

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Anonymous said...

Sam I must say that David is almost always smiling in all of his pictures!! He must be 1 happy kid!
I loved the costume!

Anonymous said...

David is growing up to be so darn handsome!!! i hope all is well. i miss you dearly. i miss corporate systems...for some weird reason!


What's the rest of the story?