David Christopher was born on August 3rd, 2005, at only 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He weighed in at 1 lb, 4oz, and was 12.5 inches long.

Here's his story.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Let's see, what's happened since the last update?

David had an eye doctor appointment. No glasses!!

I'm surprised, though. I really think he needs glasses. The nurses and the therapists all agree with me, and we all think that many of the things that he's developmentally behind on is due to his poor eyesight.

According to Javier (he's the one who took him - I had to work), the doctor said he was a "little near sighted" but not enough for glasses.

She said to continue using the patch (we patch alternating eyes each day for an hour.)


We had been told that we were going to get our nursing hours cut - but it's not happening yet, thankfully. Apparently we were approved for forty hours for at least 60 days from the time we switched companies. So we have at least another month and a half until we have to worry about it.

Also - good news from the doctors office -

David's up to 29.9 pounds!!!

We're down to only the pulmicort one time a day, and only PRN on the xopenex and cromolyn - which means only one breathing treatment a day! WOOHOO!!

They've increased his baclofen again (which is the muscle relaxer he takes - because of his CP his muscles get very tight) and have suggested botox treatments... whatever that's for.


They said we can cut out his daytime bolus feedings in order to get him to eat more by mouth! She said just make sure he gets 1200ccs of fluids between formula and other fluids a day. So whatever he doesn't take during the day, we'll give him at night.

And, they want to see him again in a month to make sure the feeding schedule is working, and he's not losing weight or anything.

David's first experience with sidewalk chalk:
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Last Saturday morning, David and I went out to Thompson Park for the March of Dimes. We got there late, so we missed the beginning. While we waiting for everyone to finish, we played on the playground.

David didn't like this swing nearly as much as he seemed to like the last one he was in.

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In fact, it seemed as if he was bored.

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Anyways, it was a beautiful day - and although I didn't officially walk in the march of dimes, I must've walked just as far - Thompson park is HUGE and we had to park a bagillion miles away, plus we wanted to see everything. Anyways, I was exhausted by the time we were done. Here's some of the things that we saw:

Someone being interviewed by the news
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The starting line
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There was a percussion line actually "marching" for dimes - and being a former band geek myself, I had to get a picture 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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We got home just in time - the weather started to change.
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And, later, David was SUPPOSED to be in bed - but how mad can you be when you see this?
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So David's new thing is buckles. Carseat, highchair, wherever he can get ahold of one. Today David spent thirty minutes playing with the buckle on the highchair. 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif

Oh, and I totally win the worst mother of the month award. One day, when I was putting lotion on David, he was trying to reach for the lotion bottle, and my hand slipped and I jabbed him in his eyeball with my thumbnail. I felt as his eyelid got caught on my fingernail - it was the most horrid, stomach turning feeling in the whole entire world.

He didn't even cry. 36_19_4%5B1%5D.gif

And then, the other day, David fell down our concrete stairs. I was carrying stuff in, and trying to keep him up on the porch because I KNEW he wouldn't notice the steps and fall off - but my hands were full, so I was trying to keep him trapped between the screen door and myself, but the little booger moved faster than I could unlock the door - and before I knew it - it was like in slow motion - I watch him tumble off the porch, off the cement steps, onto the sidewalk sob.gif

He managed to fall without so much as a scratch, and only cried for a minute... I think it scared us both.

When do they get GRACEFUL?!?!?!?

Yesterday David spent the afternoon at Meme's house so I could plant some flowers in our flower box outside the dining room window.
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I love them!

Last night I really had an issue with David throwing up. And he's NOT sick. He threw up about ten times between 6 and 8pm, including all of his evening medicines. It's behavioral - but I don't know how to make him stop.

I feel kinda guilty, but finally I pretty much lost my cool and raised my voice to him - told him to "STOP. PUKING." And he didn't puke again.

BTW I know it's behavioral, because if I distract him, make him laugh or offer him a toy he stops.
I wish I knew how to make him stop before it comes to raising my voice. 36_1_46%5B1%5D.gif

David and I had dry cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast this morning. (nutritious, huh?) but David LOVED it.
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After breakfast, we walked down the street to the park. David had so much fun - he didn't want to leave.
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I had to drag him out of the park again when it was time to go. I wonder how long they would play at the park, if we stayed as long as THEY wanted to. Haha...

One last thing - I'm running out of fun things to do with David. I'm looking for fun toddler activities, if anyone has any suggestions.

Oh, and I just NOW realized, David turns THREE in three months. sob.gif

I'm BARELY used to him being two!

1 comment:

amynsteve said...

I love reading about little David. He is so precious and just keeps getting cuter! Sounds like he is doing so well. You seem to be such a good mom. Hope you have a Happy Mothers Day!

What's the rest of the story?