David Christopher was born on August 3rd, 2005, at only 26 weeks and 6 days gestation.

He weighed in at 1 lb, 4oz, and was 12.5 inches long.

Here's his story.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!!

I know it's been forever since I've updated but I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.

I can't believe that was my baby's FOURTH Christmas! It hardly seems fair, how quickly he's growing. Here's a brief synopsis
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Aww he's grown up so much!!

David really made out on Christmas Eve! He got tons of toys and clothes. For the most part, we had a really nice evening spending time with the family. Here are the pictures.

Weston and Jaxon playing the PSP
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Time to open presents!!

(He looks so surprised, but come to find out, that one was for me 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif )
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He loved this shirt so much he wanted to put it on right away LOL
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Here's Wes with his guitar
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Jaxon was trying to give David a hug... but David didn't want one 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif
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Kylie LOVED this doll! I'm not sure she even realized that she got any other presents!
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Here she is feeding it:
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Meme, David, and Jaxon
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JoAnn, David, and Jaxon
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And, this is what Jaxon does when you say "Show me your mean face" 36_11_6%5B1%5D.gif
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In lieu of presents this year because of our financial situation, Javier and I decided that we would instead do everything possible to make today the best holiday together ever! It was great! I cooked a turkey for the first time, and it turned out FABULOUS! It was so juicy and so pretty! I wanted to get a picture of it, but didn't get a chance to before it was cut into. I was really proud of how it turned out.

David had a great day, despite waking up with a fever. Here's some pictures.
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David is so cuddly sometimes. I love the way he fits perfectly into my arms when we cuddle, as if he is a piece of the puzzle that was missing before he was born.

awww 36_1_1%5B1%5D.gif

David has learned how to make his tricycle go all by himself already!! We decided to go for a little walk up the street one day because they were having a garage sale. Well, I put him on his tricycle and pushed him up there on it. He sat on the tricycle and played with the straps while I glanced around, and next thing I knew, he was making it go all by himself!!!

23_30_125%5B1%5D.gif I'm so excited for him!

I got to go to therapy with David on Monday which was really exciting for me because normally I'm at work and my sister takes him. I love that place! David loves it too, as was evident from the moment he walked in - strutting around like he owned the place 36_1_20%5B1%5D.gif

Here he is in the waiting room.
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Shortly after I snapped that picture, David proceeds to have a temper tantrum and throw his glasses across the room. The lens popped off and I couldn't find it anywhere!! I was in a panic, trying to find this little lens, with people walking everywhere. I was terrified of someone stepping on it. While I'm frantically searching, David find the door and tries to leave! Crap.gif I finally found the lens, but it was pretty stressful for a minute LOL

Anyways, here he is on a little scooter thing. She was having him go all the way down the hall to get a piece to a puzzle, come back and place it in the correct place, and then go back for another piece. It made *me* tired LOL
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Here's a short video
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Then it was time for the swing.
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And then, right before we left, it was time for the ball pit.
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And finally, a quick request. David has to have minor surgery on February 10th. He has a mild hernia in the middle of his abdomen. I noticed it one night when he was having a screaming fit. When he pushes on those muscles (like when he's trying to sit up, or when he's screaming, it causes it to poke out a little bit.

I panicked that night and was *this* close to rushing him to the emergency room *blush* - but I did end up taking him into see a surgeon who said that it was not anything emergent but he'd like to go ahead and fix it before it becomes a problem.

While the surgeon is there, he's also going to remove the granuloma that has built up around David's mickey button.

It's nothing serious, and I know we've been through a ton worse, but it's still scary when our babies have to have surgery.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I don't think I've ever commented, but wanted to say I'll be praying for David yet again. My 9 month old just had surgery and no matter how 'minor' its still scary. But i'm sure you already know that with everything you have been through though. I hve been following Davis' story since he was born and your blog is truely inspirational. Thanks for the updates!

What's the rest of the story?